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Fiqh of Worship (Purification)

Fiqh of Worship (Purification)



This course comes as an explanation of Fiqh of Worship by Imam Ibn Qudama (May Allah have mercy on him). This set of lectures are particularly dedicated in studying the commentary of the Book of Purification. The book of “Fiqh of Worship” is a commentary on Imam Ibn Qudama’s book “ ‘Umadat al-Fiqh”, which is a hanbali bridged book of fiqh.

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Expiry period Lifetime
Made in English
Last updated at Mon Dec 2023
Total lectures 12
Total quizzes 0
Total duration 08:16:31 Hours
Total enrolment 4
Number of reviews 1
Avg rating
Short description This course comes as an explanation of Fiqh of Worship by Imam Ibn Qudama (May Allah have mercy on him). This set of lectures are particularly dedicated in studying the commentary of the Book of Purification. The book of “Fiqh of Worship” is a commentary on Imam Ibn Qudama’s book “ ‘Umadat al-Fiqh”, which is a hanbali bridged book of fiqh.